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Server Configuration

The MCP Framework provides extensive configuration options for customizing your server's behavior. This guide covers all available configuration options and best practices.

Basic Configuration

When creating a new MCP server, you can provide configuration options:

import { MCPServer } from "@modelcontextprotocol/mcp-framework";

const server = new MCPServer({
name: "my-mcp-server", // Server name
version: "1.0.0", // Server version
basePath: "./dist", // Base path for tools/prompts/resources
transport: { // Transport configuration
type: "sse",
options: {
// Transport-specific options

Server Name and Version

The server name and version are used to identify your MCP server:

const server = new MCPServer({
name: "my-mcp-server", // Default: package.json name or "unnamed-mcp-server"
version: "1.0.0" // Default: package.json version or "0.0.0"

If not provided, the server will attempt to read these values from your project's package.json file.

Base Path

The basePath option specifies where the server should look for tools, prompts, and resources:

const server = new MCPServer({
basePath: "./dist" // Default: join(process.cwd(), 'dist')

The server will look for:

  • Tools in ${basePath}/tools
  • Prompts in ${basePath}/prompts
  • Resources in ${basePath}/resources

Transport Configuration

The transport configuration determines how clients will communicate with your server:

const server = new MCPServer({
transport: {
type: "sse", // "sse" or "stdio"
options: {
// Transport-specific options
port: 8080,
endpoint: "/sse",
// ... other options

See the transport-specific documentation for detailed configuration options:

Server Capabilities

The server automatically detects and enables capabilities based on your project structure:

interface ServerCapabilities {
tools?: {
enabled: true;
schemas?: {
enabled: true;
prompts?: {
enabled: true;
resources?: {
enabled: true;
  • Tools capability is always enabled
  • Prompts capability is enabled if prompts are found in the prompts directory
  • Resources capability is enabled if resources are found in the resources directory

Server Lifecycle

Starting the Server

await server.start();

The start process:

  1. Loads tools, prompts, and resources
  2. Detects capabilities
  3. Sets up request handlers
  4. Initializes the transport
  5. Starts listening for connections

Stopping the Server

await server.stop();

The stop process:

  1. Closes active connections
  2. Stops the transport
  3. Cleans up resources
  4. Exits gracefully

The server also handles SIGINT signals (Ctrl+C) for graceful shutdown.


The server uses a built-in logger that can be imported and configured:

import { logger } from "@modelcontextprotocol/mcp-framework";

// Log levels: debug, info, warn, error
logger.debug("Debug message");"Info message");
logger.warn("Warning message");
logger.error("Error message");

Best Practices

  1. Project Structure

    • Keep tools, prompts, and resources in separate directories
    • Use TypeScript for better type safety
    • Follow the naming conventions for each component
  2. Configuration

    • Use environment variables for sensitive values
    • Set appropriate base paths for your deployment
    • Configure proper authentication in production
  3. Error Handling

    • Implement proper error handling in your tools
    • Use the logger for debugging and monitoring
    • Handle transport errors appropriately
  4. Security

    • Enable authentication in production
    • Use HTTPS for SSE transport
    • Set appropriate CORS settings
    • Implement rate limiting
  5. Performance

    • Keep message sizes reasonable
    • Implement proper cleanup in tools
    • Monitor server resources

Example Configuration

Here's a complete example with all configuration options:

import { MCPServer, APIKeyAuthProvider } from "@modelcontextprotocol/mcp-framework";

const server = new MCPServer({
name: "my-mcp-server",
version: "1.0.0",
basePath: "./dist",
transport: {
type: "sse",
options: {
port: 8080,
endpoint: "/sse",
messageEndpoint: "/messages",
maxMessageSize: "4mb",
headers: {
"X-Custom-Header": "value"
cors: {
allowOrigin: "*",
allowMethods: "GET, POST, OPTIONS",
allowHeaders: "Content-Type, Authorization, x-api-key",
exposeHeaders: "Content-Type, Authorization, x-api-key",
maxAge: "86400"
auth: {
provider: new APIKeyAuthProvider({
keys: ["your-api-key"]
endpoints: {
sse: true,
messages: true

// Start the server
await server.start();

// Handle shutdown
process.on('SIGINT', async () => {
await server.stop();